Sentencing Rules Highlighted As Hopeless
4 July 2002
Government Sentencing Rules Graphically
Highlighted As Being Hopeless – Peters
MP for Tauranga
and Leader of New Zealand First, Rt Hon Winston Peters,
today said “the case of Haden Brown who brutally bashed his
mothers head in with a hammer, highlights the hopeless
inadequacy of Labour’s new sentencing laws”.
“Having been sentenced to nine years imprisonment, (which many will say is inadequate in any event for a crime of this nature), he will become eligible for parole in just three years time under Labours new ‘get tough’ sentencing regime.”
“This is wrong and reinforces New Zealand First’s resolve to ensure violent offenders serve their full term with no guaranteed automatic discounting of their time to be served”, said Mr Peters.
“If offenders don’t want to do the time, they shouldn’t do the crime. The choice is theirs”, concluded Mr Peters.