Greens back black-out day
07 July 2002
Greens back black-out day
A national "black out" day in Health Food Stores tomorrow (Monday) will show the Government the tide of feeling against their plans to hand over the regulation and control of the dietary supplements industry to a Trans Tasman agency which will be based in Australia, set up under Australian law, and staffed primarily by Australians, Green Party Health spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.
"Three-quarters of health food stores - 150 shops - around the country will drape their stores in black tomorrow to protest against the Government's proposed new regulations.
"This is one of the sleeper issues of the election. There's a real groundswell building, and the Government needs to come clean and tell ordinary New Zealanders about its plans to hand over our sovereignty over dietary supplements to an Australian based organisation."
Ms Kedgley said the Green party had organised seven well attended public meetings around the country to inform New Zealanders of the Government's plans, as well as a 30,000 signature petition against the plans. "I have yet to meet an ordinary New Zealander who supports the Government's plans," she said.
Ms Kedgley said the proposal involves New Zealand giving up its sovereignty and handing over the control of dietary supplements to an unelected and unaccountable Managing Director of the new agency, who would have delegated authority to make rules and orders.
"The only way a New Zealander could challenge a decision of the new agency would be through an expensive judicial review in the High Court."
Ms Kedgley said the proposal would reduce consumer choice, make supplements more expensive and put hundreds of small businesses out of business.
Sue will be at the Homestead Health blackout in Cuba Mall, Wellington, Monday, at 9.30am