Immigration Minister Puts Up Smoke Screen
9 August 2002
Immigration Minister Puts Up Smoke Screen
“Lianne Dalziel has failed to tell the truth about the Immigration Service, is ignoring evidence of widespread immigration scams, and is hiding behind a smokescreen of her own making,” New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said.
Mr Peters was commenting on a speech by Ms Dalziel in which she put up a smokescreen by attacking the messenger and ignoring the message.
“Anyone who presides over a department that readmits a deported rapist who changed his name and married his sister-in-law, or allows a convicted murderer entry to New Zealand, or fails to investigate the likes of John Davey has something to explain. When the Minister is aware that potential immigrants are borrowing the funds that gain them entry into New Zealand under the business category while others are buying ‘job offers’ but chooses to ignore these events and raises instead dubious questions about motives then we can be sure she is hiding something,” Mr Peters said.
“These matters are easily resolved: it is time for a full inquiry into immigration into these scams. The inquiry should also look at what sort of immigration policies New Zealand should adopt. It is the right of every citizen of this country to have his or her say on who should be allowed to become a New Zealander. It should be a bipartisan inquiry because no single political party or interest group should be entitled to inflict their views and policies on the rest of the country.
“New Zealanders know that immigration is important - far too important to allow the Minister to hide the issues behind the smokescreen of her personal attacks. Set up the inquiry Minister, satisfy the genuine concerns of New Zealanders!”