Family Court Judge Appointed
29 August 2002
Family Court Judge Appointed
Attorney-General Margaret Wilson today announced the appointment of Ida Malosi of Manukau as a Family Court Judge. Judge Malosi will sit in Manukau after her swearing in next month.
Ms Malosi has a BA in history and an LLB from Victoria University. She has worked in family law in South Auckland since her admission to the bar in 1989. In 1994 she began work in the partnership of King Alofivae Malosi, an all Maori/ Pacific women practice. The firm was the winner of the Auckland District Law Society’s EEO “Most Innovative” award in 2000.
Ms Malosi was appointed District Inspector for Mental Health in 2000, and sat for three years as a member of the Removal Review Authority.
In both her professional and private capacity she is closely involved in projects to assist her community. Last year she was appointed by the Department for Courts as the Chair of the Manukau Youth Court Community Resource Panel which helps Pacific young people and their families through the Youth Court process. She has also been an active supporter of the bilingual unit at her children’s school.