Te Puni Kökiri briefing paper released
12 September 2002 Media Statement
Te Puni Kökiri briefing paper released
Mäori leading Mäori development has been cemented as the core focus of Te Puni Kökiri over the last three years which must reach into the potential of the whänau whänui (extended family) said Mäori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia.
The Te Puni Kökiri (Ministry of Mäori Development) briefing paper released this morning identifies the context in which whänau, hapü, iwi and Mäori communitiy development is taking place. It identifies the issues and priorities for Te Puni Kökiri and acknowledges the whole of government approach to Mäori development.
"Te Puni Kökiri's purpose is to assist the Minister of Mäori Affairs, the Associate Ministers of Mäori Affairs and the government to accelerate Mäori development. It is the government's principal advisor on Mäori issues.
"Te Puni
Kökiri's priorities are critical to the governments
objective of accelerating Mäori social, economic and
cultural development, as part of its vision for growth and
innovation. It identifies four cornerstones to drive
sustainable Mäori development:
- Being Mäori –
reinforcing the uniqueness, confidence, and pride of being
- Whänau development – recognising whänau as the
core agent of change for hapü, iwi and Mäori;
- Assets –
developing and growing the eonomic, social and cultural
resources of whänau, hapü, iwi and Mäori; and
- Skills –
identifying and growing diverse capabilities for future
economic, social and cultural participation.
"Government expects Mäori development to be facilitated across the entire government sector to maximise the opportunities to lift achievment.
"Over the last term the government sought to build and strengthen relationships with the Treaty partner, identify common goals and enable co-operative work to occur. We will consolidate those relationships and extend them further over this next term.
The paper
identifies major areas of work which include:
- Treaty of
- Fisheries Allocation
- Mäori
- Mäori Broadcasting Strategy
- Mäori
Language Strategy
- Mäori Purposes Bill
- Mäori
Trustee Office review
- Treaty claims
"The focus of this work must be to expose our abundant potential by creating opportunities for whänau whänui (extended family) to fully participate in New Zealand society and as global citizens," Parekura Horomia said.
The Te Puni Kokiri
(Maori Development) briefing paper is available at: