Former TVNZ Board chair expenses
7 November 2002 Media Statement
Former TVNZ Board chair expenses
Broadcasting Minister Steve Maharey said he has been assured by the chair of Televison New Zealand, Craig Boyce, that rigorous procedures are now in place for the approval of TVNZ board members' expenses.
The chair of the Finance and Risk sub-committee of the TVNZ Board is now required to vet all expenses to make sure they are TVNZ-related. Mr Boyce held this position from May and a new chair for the committee will be appointed at the next meeting of the Board.
He said he had been informed that former TVNZ Board chair Ross Armstrong has today reviewed his expenses for the last 16 months with the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Items of minor and infrequent personal business to the value of $1,032.47 have been identified and were repaid in full by Ross Armstrong today. This includes the cost of a recent meal at Vinnies Restaurant.
Steve Maharey said the government is clear that if any further expenses should come to light which should not have been charged to the company that it will seek full reimbursement.