Air New
Zealand-Qantas Merger--Commerce Commission
COPELAND (United Future) to the Minister of Transport: Will
the Government consider delaying its national interest
decision on the proposed Air New Zealand-Qantas "alliance"
until after the Commerce Commission has reached a decision,
as suggested by groups like "Debate Air New Zealand"?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN (Minister of Transport): The Government has
stated that it will give a response to the national interest
question by 18 December, which will determine whether there
is any point in proceeding to the Commerce Commission
examination. If it proceeds to that stage, there will be
ample opportunity for public input and debate. The
Government has reserved its right to withhold final approval
if during any Commerce Commission process material changes
are made to the commercial proposal, or significant new
information is revealed.
Gordon Copeland:
Notwithstanding that, is the Government not concerned that a
ministerial decision on whether the Air New Zealand - Qantas
alliance is in the national interest could unduly influence
the Commerce Commission decision, and is this not the kind
of thing that could re-assert New Zealand's commercial Wild
West reputation, which this Government has been so
determined to alleviate?
Peck: Why did the Government decide to make a decision with
regard to the national interest criteria before the Commerce
Commission consideration of the proposal?
SWAIN: Any Commerce Commission appraisal could take 6 to 9
months. If at the end of this the Government never had any
intention of giving approval, then there would be no point
in going through the Commerce Commission process. That is
why the Government has agreed to make a conditional decision
with regard to the national interest criteria first.
Hon. Bill English: Why did the Government allow David Parker
MP to write and have published an article in the New Zealand
Herald strongly backing the Qantas - Air New Zealand deal,
and how are we to conclude anything other than that he is
expressing the Government view before it has made any
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: I was not aware of that
matter until the member raised it. I can say that the
Government process that has been outlined is the Government
process that will be followed.
Rt Hon. Winston Peters:
I ask the Minister whether, in the interests of not having
politics that are akin to running with the hares and hunting
with the hounds, the United Future party has given any
intimation that should a bill be brought before Parliament,
either private or public, opposing the sale, that the United
Future party will support it?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: I have
not had any discussions with the United Future party on this
Hon. Peter Dunne: In view of the inherent
conflict of interest in the Government's role as Air New
Zealand's majority shareholder, as the protector of the
national interest, and as the overseer of competition law,
does the Minister not consider that a ministerial decision
pre-Christmas on whether the alliance arrangement is in the
national interest, would be an undue influence on any
subsequent decisions made by the Commerce Commission?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: No. We have given that quite considerable
thought, and the Ministers involved, the ones he has
mentioned, have been very careful to stick to their
respective roles. We have been very careful about that
Gordon Copeland: What consideration will the
Government give to small airlines, like 100 percent - owned
Origin Pacific Airways, when deciding whether the Qantas
buy-in to Air New Zealand is in the national interest?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: The continuation of a robust domestic air
service is one of the matters that we are considering. If,
however, the decision was to proceed to the Commerce
Commission, that is an issue also that would be addressed by
the Commerce Commission.
Hon. Peter Dunne: Is one of
the real reasons that the Government is moving ahead with
the national interest decision, pre-Christmas, the fact that
the recent Colmar Brunton poll showed that 59 percent of New
Zealanders were opposed to the alliance, the recent Dominion
Post poll showed that 67 percent were opposed; and the
Government simply wants to resolve the issue prior to public
opinion building up a head of steam against it?
PAUL SWAIN: No, that has nothing to do with it.
Air New
Zealand-Qantas Merger--Commerce Commission
6. Hon.
BILL ENGLISH (Leader of the Opposition) to the Minister of
Transport: Will he agree to the call from the "Debate Air
New Zealand" group to defer any Government decision on the
national interest until after the Commerce Commission has
investigated the Qantas-Air New Zealand proposal; if not,
why not?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN (Minister of Transport): As I
have already said, the Government has stated it will give a
response to the national interest question by next
Wednesday, which will determine whether there is any point
in proceeding to the Commerce Committee examination. If it
does proceed to that stage, there will be ample opportunity
for public input and debate. The Government has reserved its
right to withhold final approval if, during any Commerce
Commission process, material changes are made to the
commercial proposal or significant new information is
Hon. Bill English: Why should Parliament or
the public take the Government's national interest test
seriously, when it has endorsed an article by Labour MP
David Parker in the New Zealand Herald setting out a robust
defence of the Qantas - Air New Zealand deal, or is he going
down the path of George Hawkins and claiming that he never
reads the New Zealand Herald?
Government has not endorsed the matter that the member
raised. The public should consider the Government is taking
it seriously, because the Government takes it seriously
Lynne Pillay: What are the national interest
criteria to be evaluated?
Government has agreed that a number of considerations will
be used to assist the valuation. Those include: maintenance
of effective control of Air New Zealand by New Zealand
nationals; preservation of the unique New Zealand identity
of Air New Zealand; provision of effective channels for
international tourism and travel; and the preservation of
New Zealand - based employment.
Rt Hon. Winston Peters:
Has the Minister, together with his colleagues, any
consideration of the need for a majority in Parliament in
respect of that deal; if that is important, why on earth has
he not spoken to the United Future party, which seems to be
running with the hares and hunting with the hounds on that
and so many other issues?
Mr SPEAKER: The first part of
the question is certainly in order.
There has not been any consideration of the issue the member
raised in the first part of his question.
Franks: Why does the Government think it will need 2 weeks
only for its think about the national interest, when the
Commerce Commission will take 6 to 9 months to assess the
public interest; does it need 2 weeks only because Dr Cullen
thinks there is not much else to think about when Qantas
says "We want. We get."?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: I will not
comment on the second part of the question. However, I will
say that the national interest tests have been set. Those
are high-level considerations, and if the decision is that
the deal will go to the Commerce Commission, then some of
those matters will be investigated by the commission, as
Hon. Bill English: In considering the national
interest, will the Government take into account statements
made yesterday by Virgin airlines about aspects of the deal
it says must be changed in order to guarantee reasonable
competition in the New Zealand and trans-Tasman markets?
Hon. PAUL SWAIN: I have met with representatives of Virgin
airlines and I said to them that if--and the word is if--the
national interest criteria are met and the deal goes to the
Commerce Commission, they should take their concerns to the
Commerce Commission. I seek leave to table the Cabinet
policy committee minute relating to the Air New Zealand
Document, by leave, laid on the Table of the
Air New Zealand--Aircraft Safety after
7. Rt Hon. WINSTON PETERS (Leader--NZ First)
to the Associate Minister of Transport: Does he have any
concerns that the latest incident with a jet engine on an
Air New Zealand aircraft involves passenger safety
Hon. HARRY DUYNHOVEN (Associate Minister of
Transport): In the recent emergency landing in Brisbane
following engine failure, I am assured that there was no
danger to the passengers as a result of the failure or the
subsequent textbook-correct single-engine landing. There are
always potential passenger safety issues in an incident of
that kind, and aircraft crews are well trained in emergency
drills. In the recent incident the aircraft remained
completely controllable and the crew did very well, carrying
out their emergency drills correctly, and ensuring that
passengers sustained no injuries and that no further damage
was incurred to the aircraft.
Rt Hon. Winston Peters:
Given what the Minister has said, is he satisfied that Air
New Zealand is taking passenger safety as seriously as it
should, given that it has appointed Craig Sinclair to the
position of senior vice-president, technical and operations,
when he has no previous aircraft or airline experience to
offer, whatsoever?
very great confidence in Air New Zealand. Their technical
people are regarded, worldwide, very well indeed.
Hon. Winston Peters: What about Craig Sinclair?
HARRY DUYNHOVEN: Mr Sinclair is well known as a careful and
able manager. The ability of Air New Zealand, and its
reputation internationally, can be very well taken by the
fact that its engineering expertise is so widely regarded
that the Federal Aviation Administration is currently in
negotiation with the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
to allow concurrent paperwork exchange, which would mean
that Air New Zealand technical respectability, worldwide, is
equal to the best in the world.
H V Ross Robertson: Can
the Minister inform the House whether aircrews undertake
regular training to cope with emergencies, such as occurred
at Brisbane?
Hon. HARRY DUYNHOVEN: Flight crews
regularly conduct aircraft simulator sessions, involving
handling just such emergencies. They do so in a cool, calm,
and collected manner, so that such emergencies, because they
are regularly practised, become a matter of course.
John Key: Has the Minister demanded that the Civil Aviation
Authority undertake a full inquiry into Air New Zealand,
and, if not, how does he reconcile this with the far more
aggressive stance the Government has undertaken with Tranz
Rail and track safety, or does this Minister think trains
are inherently more dangerous than planes; if so, has he
ever flown into Wellington?
answer to the last part of that question, I have flown into
Wellington probably several hundred times, and have
sometimes been privileged enough to be on the flight
deck--not at the controls, I might add. I am well aware of
how tricky Wellington can be. I am certainly confident in
the ability of the Civil Aviation Authority to handle this
issue. It has a very thorough inspection process under way.
This particular incident of an engine failure is an event
that has never before occurred on this variety of engine,
despite the over 16 million flight hours that this type of
engine has done in e-tops operations with Boeing 767 and
Airbus 310 aircraft. The Airbus 310 and Boeing 767 have this
type of engine because it is so reliable. The fact that this
is highly unusual and has never before been known to have
occurred is why General Electric, the manufacturers, are
working alongside Air New Zealand to try to decide exactly
what happened in this case.
Rt Hon. Winston Peters: Can
the Minister confirm that the airline's senior
vice-president, operations and technical, is the same Craig
Sinclair who was previously chief executive officer of
Airways Corporation New Zealand, who attained significant
notoriety for having resided in the UK at the taxpayers'
expense chasing international contracts and costing millions
of dollars, and that his technical and operational
experience in the aircraft industry is as about as credible
as the skills he displayed as an administrator of Airways
Corporation New Zealand?
confirm that it is the same Craig Sinclair who took Airways
Corporation to world-leading status in terms of technology
to the point where the Federal Aviation Authority of the US
has adopted its programme developed under Mr Sinclair's
leadership. I can also say to the member that Mr Sinclair is
highly regarded in the aviation industry for his management
Race Relations Conciliator--Mediation for
8. Hon. MURRAY McCULLY (NZ National--East
Coast Bays) to the Associate Minister of Justice: When she
said, in relation to the involvement of the then Race
Relations Conciliator, Mr Gregory Fortuin, in mediating
between different factions of the Alliance that the
"involvement of the Race Relations Conciliator was
inappropriate, regardless of who initiated it.", was she
referring to the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister's
Chief of Staff; if not, who was she referring to?
MARGARET WILSON (Associate Minister of Justice): No, my
comment was reported in the context of Mr Anderton's
personal statement to Parliament and whether the Alliance or
Mr Fortuin made the first approach to mediate. Regardless of
who made the approach, I believed it was inappropriate.
Hon. Murray McCully: Did the Minister share the view the
Prime Minister expressed when asked to comment on Mr
Fortuin's involvement when she said: "What people do in
their private lives with the skills they have is their own
business"; if not, what advice did she give the Prime
Hon. MARGARET WILSON: Yes, it is people's own
business what they do in their private life, but the
consequences of those actions, of course, must also be
Georgina Beyer: Why did the Associate Minister
believe that the mediation was inappropriate?
MARGARET WILSON: While I appreciated that the Race Relations
Conciliator was acting in good faith and in his own time in
the role of a mediator, my concern was that the independence
and integrity of the office had been compromised. Indeed, Mr
Brownlee was quoted at the time as calling for his immediate
resignation saying that he had nailed his colours to the
mast while he was supposed to be a non-political officer in
a quasi-judicial role.
Hon. Murray McCully: What does
the Minister understand to be the Prime Minister's and the
Prime Minister's chief of staff's knowledge of, or
involvement in, Mr Fortuin's mediation efforts prior to the
Minister herself being informed of those efforts?
MARGARET WILSON: My understanding is that they certainly had
no knowledge of the initiation of that, but we were informed
at some stage during that process.
Rt Hon. Winston
Peters: If independence and neutrality is so important, and
was so important, in Mr Fortuin's case, how come that was
not the case when she appointed Joris de Bres to the job,
who is clearly a card-carrying Labour Party lackey?
Hon. MARGARET WILSON: There is no right to discriminate
against people in this country on the basis of their
political beliefs, but I would also make the point that Mr
de Bres made his comments in the context of his employment.
I would also make the point that people may not agree with
his comments but he has every right to express them.
Rodney Hide: Would she believe that it was inappropriate if
the person involved had been another Government appointee on
some other board, such as Industry New Zealand, or does she
think her comments would just apply to a Race Relations
hypothetical question, and I made the comments in the
context of a concrete situation.
Controls--Biosecurity Protection from Pests
CATCHPOLE (NZ First) to the Minister for Biosecurity: What
specific steps have been taken to improve border controls to
safeguard the fragile agricultural and forestry exports from
further outbreaks of unwanted pests from overseas, such as
the painted apple moth, spiders and snakes?
O'CONNOR (Associate Minister of Agriculture), on behalf of
the Minister for Biosecurity: During the past 3 years we
have strengthened New Zealand's border controls in a number
of ways, first: 100 percent of air passenger baggage
arriving in New Zealand is now X-rayed or hand searched,
which has reduced the risk of outbreaks of fruit flies and
other pests and diseases that may enter on this pathway;
secondly, instant fines were implemented in July 2001 for
those passengers with undeclared risk items in their
possession--9,000 fines were issued this year, which has
resulted in a measurable increase in declaration of risk
goods to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; and
thirdly, a draft by Biosecurity Strategy for New Zealand is
due for release this month, which outlines a vision for New
Zealand's biosecurity for the next 10 years.
Catchpole: Can the Minister confirm that it has been
Labour's policy that all imported cars should be fumigated
off shore prior to their arrival in New Zealand; if so, what
progress is being made on that policy?
O'CONNOR: I can confirm that that has been our policy. We
are not yet at the point of 100 percent of cars being
fumigated, but we are moving in that direction, along with a
number of other initiatives to improve the biosecurity
protection regime for this country?
David Benson-Pope:
What is the Government doing to implement the
recommendations contained in recent reviews of biosecurity
such as this week's Auditor-General's report?
DAMIEN O'CONNOR: The biosecurity strategy, which is due to
be released as a draft later this month, will provide the
big picture vision that has been lacking, and will set the
scene for enhancing New Zealand's biosecurity capability.
The recommendations that have come out of the recent review,
such as the Auditor-General's report, have been taken into
account in the development by the Biosecurity Council of
this draft strategy. Our focus needs to move now from
continuous review to implementation of the
Shane Ardern: Given the huge amount of
money spent on dealing belatedly with the painted apple
moth, and certainly up until yesterday, the department's
absolute lack of success in border control with the recent
importation of spiders in a school bus, detected by the
public and not by border control, will the Minister assure
the House that there are no other incursions out there at
the moment that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has
been refused funding to fight?
There has been no situation where the Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry has been refused funding to fight
those incursions. The discovery of the redback spiders is,
in fact, an indication that our biosecurity system is
working and we are detecting those unwanted organisms that
come into this country. No one can give an absolute
guarantee to this House that our borders will be 100 percent
free and protected from incursions. We need a system that
deals with all aspects of both protection and dealing with
those incursions when they happen.
Gerrard Eckhoff:
What steps has the Government undertaken to mitigate the
very real threat of bioterrorism such as the deliberate
release of foot-and-mouth virus in this country, or does he
share the Prime Minister's view that we live in a benign
environment in terms of terrorist attack?
O'CONNOR: I do not believe the Prime Minister said that. We
are always conscious of the risks to this country through
any form of biosecurity risk, be that terrorism or be that
in some unfortunate accident by some visitor, almost 2
million of whom come to this country on a regular basis.
Ian Ewen-Street: Given that 100 percent of passenger
arrivals and almost 100 percent of incoming mail are subject
to border control inspections, how much would it cost to
increase inspections of incoming sea containers from the
present 24 percent to 100 percent?
O'CONNOR: A comprehensive analysis of the sea container
pathway has been undertaken to determine the level of risk
mitigation required. The results of this risk analysis will
ultimately result in a new import health standard for sea
containers. An estimate of the cost of increased inspections
of sea containers from the current 24 percent to 100 percent
as the member suggests, would be approximately $60 million
per year.
Rt Hon. Winston Peters: In respect of Damien
O'Connor's comments about the school bus discovery, I want
to table New Zealand's latest population statistics showing
how many biosecurity agents we now have.
Document, by
leave, laid on the Table of the House.
Shane Ardern: I
seek leave to table a document showing that the latest
incursion with the spiders was actually discovered by school
children in the school bus.
Document, by leave, laid on
the Table of the House.
Building Standards--Information
for Public
to the Minister of Internal Affairs: What further
announcements has the Government made in relation to the
building industry?
Hon. Dr MICHAEL CULLEN (Leader of
the House), on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs:
The Government announced today its intention to legislate
next year to tighten regulation of the building industry and
to extend the current review of the Building Act to see
whether the findings of the parliamentary select committee
into weathertightness can be taken into account. It is clear
there is some need to rebalance towards tighter control to
restore confidence in building standards following the
excessive deregulation of the 1990s.
Fairbrother: What other steps has the Government taken in
response to the weathertightness issue?
CULLEN: As well as moving to address the issues that led to
leaky building syndrome, the Government has put in place
services to assist affected homeowners obtain redress. To
date, about 500 people have indicated that they may want to
use the new weathertight homes resolution service. Assessors
have been employed, and the first property assessments are
due to begin before Christmas.
Dr Wayne Mapp: Will the
Minister in future expect the Building Industry Authority to
exercise good "judgment and political awareness, including
anticipating the unexpected", as the Minister set out in his
letter to the authority on 25 March 2002, when the Minister
himself utterly failed to exercise such judgment when he was
informed of the problem last year by leading building
Hon. Dr MICHAEL CULLEN: No matter how often
that latter assertion is made, it is not correct. The
Minister was not properly informed by the Building Industry
Authority, and simple comments like "It is so!" do not make
it so.
Sue Kedgley: Will the review of the Building
Act do anything to protect homeowners from heavy-metal
poisoning from exposed copper chromium arsenate-treated
timber, given that that particular type of treated timber
has now been banned for health reasons from residential uses
of an exposed nature in places like Sweden, Japan,
and--soon--the United States, and now that even the Auckland
Regional Council's officials are acknowledging that exposed
copper chromium arsenate-treated timber can pose a health
Hon. Dr MICHAEL CULLEN: The use of copper
chromium arsenate treatment of timber is under investigation
at the present time. However, I would point out to members
of the House that people are equally calling for the use of
treated timber in exterior framing parts of houses, and
there are other forms available as well.
Murray Smith:
Does the Minister accept the urgent necessity that every New
Zealand home that has been built with untreated timber
should be thoroughly checked for rot; if so, what steps is
the Government currently taking to advise New Zealand
homeowners of that need?
has been an enormous amount of publicity on this issue, so I
am sure that people are--
Hon. Bill English: You guys
don't read the papers.
Hon. Dr MICHAEL CULLEN: Goodness
me! That is enough.
Dr Wayne Mapp: I seek the leave of
the House to table a letter written by the Minister of
Internal Affairs to Mr Barry Brown, the presiding member of
the Building Industry Authority, on 25 March 2002, in which
he says he expected "the exercise of judgment and political
awareness, including anticipating the unexpected."
Document, by leave, laid on the Table of the House.
Murray Smith: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I
understood that the Minister was halfway through answering
the question that I had put to him when there were
interjections, and I would like him to finish answering, if
I am correct.
Mr SPEAKER: No, he had concluded his
Question No. 9 to Minister
Hon. Damien
O'Connor: I seek leave to table a report on the discovery of
the spiders in the bus, which indicates that it
was by
a mechanic, not school children, and that it was found prior
to any use of the school bus in this country.
by leave, laid on the Table of the House.
Ron Mark: I
raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. Can the Minister clarify
whether that report states that that mechanic was also a
member of the biosecurity screening staff?
That is not a point of order.
Unions--Lump-sum Payments to
Public Servants
11. Dr DON BRASH (NZ National) to the
Minister of Labour: Does she stand by her statement in the
House on 5 December regarding bonuses paid to public
servants who are members of unions that "those payments are
made, as I understand, because of the benefits that attach
to collective agreements, not to membership of a union."?
Hon. MARGARET WILSON (Minister of Labour): Yes, that is my
Dr Don Brash: Does she therefore also
believe that it would be acceptable for an employer to pay a
bonus to an employee for signing an individual contract, if
the employer sincerely believed that that would be a benefit
to his or her business; if not, why not?
WILSON: I understand that that was quite a common practice
during the period of the Employment Contracts Act.
Don Brash: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. I do not
believe that I asked a question about history; I asked a
question about the current law. I do not think it was
Hon. MARGARET WILSON: The law is the same in
both instances.
Dave Hereora: What are the provisions
of the Employment Relations Act in relation to payments to
employees covered by collective agreements?
MARGARET WILSON: Section 8 of the Act provides for voluntary
membership of unions. That is correct. But section 9(1) of
the Act prohibits preference in terms of conditions being
given simply on the basis of union membership or non-union
membership, which I think is what the previous member was
referring to. However, section 9(2) of the Act makes it
clear that preference does not exist simply because an
employee's terms and conditions differ from those of
another. I would also add in this context that there is a
difference between the Employment Contracts Act and the
Employment Relations Act, which is that one of the
over-riding purposes--not in terms of the specific
provisions--of the Employment Relations Act is to encourage
collective bargaining.
Peter Brown: Is the Minister
aware that in Australia people can have a collective
contract without being members of a union, and if that were
to come to pass here, it would make this whole system a lot
simpler and more easily understood; or does the Minister
believe that New Zealanders are inferior to Australians?
Hon. MARGARET WILSON: Obviously, I answer "No" to the latter
query. But in terms of the former and more substantive point
of the question, I say that that was one of the issues
debated during the debate on the Employment Relations Act.
Certainly it was a reason that the number for membership of
unions was put at 15, and not at a larger number--to enable
a group of people to come together to be able to form a
collective and be able to negotiate. That provision was
really also on the grounds of compliance costs, so that
people know who they are negotiating with.
Rodney Hide:
Is this not just another example of this Government having
one rule for itself, and one rule for everybody else, such
as when Labour MP Clayton Cosgrove fired his secretary
without any warning simply for having a date, or is that the
standard of behaviour the Minister expects of bosses in this
Mr SPEAKER: The Minister has no responsibility
for that.
Rodney Hide: I raise a point of order, Mr
Mr SPEAKER: I have ruled there is no
responsibility, and that is it.
Rodney Hide: I raise a
point of order, Mr Speaker. If you had listened very
carefully to my question--
Mr SPEAKER: I did.
Rodney Hide: I understand that the Minister has said that
she wants to set a high standard in this country, and I was
asking what the standard was that she was expecting of
bosses in this country. She said, earlier, that she wanted
to set a higher standard, and that is what my question is
referring to.
Mr SPEAKER: If that had been the
question, it would have been in order--if there had not been
anything else added to it. But if the Minister wants to
comment on that, she may.
course we want to set a high standard, for both public and
private sector employees. I think that has been traditional,
and traditional for employers as well. It has been
traditional in this country that the Government shows
leadership. At least, it does under a Labour-led
Sue Bradford: Will the Minister consider
extending employment relations education leave to members of
Parliament as well as parliamentary employees, given the
poor understanding of the Employment Relations Act by
National and ACT members?
of Parliament are not employers, so therefore would not be
eligible. However, I am sure such a matter could be included
in the induction programme that takes place.
Copeland: Can she give an assurance that the extra payments
are made to everyone covered by a collective agreement,
including those who are not members of the negotiating
union; if not, why not?
can, but for this reason: it is that union members are
covered by collective agreements. So I can give that
Dr Don Brash: Does the Minister think it is
slightly misleading to say that payments are received in
recognition of the benefits of a collective agreement, not
because of union membership, given that under the Employment
Relations Act only unions may negotiate collective
agreements with employers; if not, why not?
MARGARET WILSON: Yes, the member is quite right, as I just
said in my answer to the previous question. Under our
legislation, collective agreements are negotiated by unions
and employers. However, what is negotiated and how it is
negotiated is a matter between that union and that employer,
and as long as it is done in the context of the law, the
Government has no business in it.
Driving--Responsibilities for Youth over Christmas
12. NANAIA MAHUTA to the Minister of Youth
Affairs: What action, if any, is he taking to encourage
young people to drive responsibly, especially over the
Christmas period?
Hon. JOHN TAMIHERE (Minister of Youth
Affairs): This afternoon we have the honour of relaunching
Students Against Drunk Driving at a function in the Beehive
foyer. This programme encourages people to plan and care for
one another and seek alternatives to driving motor vehicles
after having consumed alcohol or other harmful substances.
The programme currently operates in 70 percent of New
Zealand secondary schools, and though its ad has runs on the
board, it was the students who identified the need for a new
look for the rather tired 1987 version of its logo.
Mr SPEAKER: Comments about members' own
situations are not really in the best interests of this
House. Once it starts, it continues.
Nanaia Mahuta:
What reports has the Minister received on the success of
Students Against Drunk Driving in obtaining funding from
community funding bodies?
happy to inform the House that this important organisation
has received grants from the New Zealand Community Trust of
$100,000, and from the Lion Foundation, of $23,000. This
will allow this important programme to provide greater
awareness and representation in secondary schools in the new
school year.
Simon Power: Will such Christmas action
include recommending to the Minister of Police more police
on the roads, especially in the Auckland area, where they
are 142 police short?
Hon. JOHN TAMIHERE: I can assure
the member that the Minister of Police will, as always, use
his best endeavours to meet the high expectations of that
Craig McNair: What success can the Minister
report in any efforts to gain a share of the current petrol
and diesel tax in his annual bidding process to the Minister
of Finance in order to further enhance driver training and
eduction for our young people?
is a matter I have not taken up with the very benevolent
Minister of Finance.
Stephen Franks: What lessons on
Christmas drink-driving does the Minister think that young
people will take from Invercargill prison's "don't bother"
message to Jason Mann, a 20-year-old repeat serious offender
showing up last week expecting to serve his 1-month prison
sentence on his second drink-driving offence; and what will
he do about the "get out of jail free" cards littering Mr
Goff's brand new Parole Act?
sure that the Department for Courts and the Department of
Corrections will better relate information to the extent
that this does not occur again.
Sue Bradford: In
relation to the funding just received, evidently, by
Students Against Drunk Driving, is the Minister taking any
steps to ensure that the Government might look into
sustainable ongoing funding for that very worthy
Hon. JOHN TAMIHERE: We are grateful to
the organisation, having sought a range of funds from
organisations that in effect are mandated by Government
Mark Peck: Does the Minister share the
outrage felt by the citizens of Invercargill at the early
release, and is he aware that the member for Invercargill
has raised this matter with the Minister of Justice and the
Minister of Corrections today?
Question to Member
the Chairperson of the Finance and Expenditure Committee:
When does the Finance and Expenditure Committee next meet,
and what business will it be considering?
COSGROVE (Chairperson of the Finance and Expenditure
Committee): The Finance and Expenditure Committee will next
meet during the first sitting week of next year. It will
consider the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Amendment Bill,
and, if time permits, may continue other business, such as
petitions, and the ongoing inquiry into the revenue effects
of fraudulent investment schemes.
Rodney Hide: In
conducting that business, will he, as chairman, be adopting
any process or procedure to deal with any potential
conflicts he may have with committee members that are of a
personal nature; if not, why not?
That will be a matter for the committee to decide.
Katherine Rich: Is he concerned that the work of the
committee could fall behind as a result of conflicts between
himself as chair and certain committee members, as a result
of issues they are unable to discuss; if not, why not?
CLAYTON COSGROVE: As the chairperson of the Finance and
Expenditure Committee, I am responsible only for the process
and procedures of the committee.
End of Questions for
Oral Answer.
(Uncorrected transcript - subject to
correction and further
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