Mapp to meet with Australian Foreign Minister
Mapp to meet with Australian Foreign Minister
The war in Iraq will be top of the agenda of a meeting in Canberra tomorrow between Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, and National's Foreign Affairs spokesman, Wayne Mapp.
"A meeting such as this is about building relationships with our friends at a time when the New Zealand Government has chosen to turn its back on its traditional allies," says Dr Mapp.
"It is clearly in New Zealand's best interests to have the closest possible relationship with Australia and I intend using the meeting with Mr Downer to canvass a range of issues, most importantly the situation in Iraq.
"Our Government is allowing the gap between New Zealand and its allies to grow steadily wider and we will face a real challenge in restoring our reputation as a nation that cares."
Dr Mapp
says security and defence issues and Pacific Island issues
will also be on the agenda for his meeting with the
Australian Foreign Minister.