Re-developed Catlins school great for students
Re-developed Catlins school great for
Education Minister Trevor Mallard today officially opened the recently completed re-development of the Catlins Area School at Owaka, South Otago.
"This re-development of buildings at the Catlins Area School at a cost of $4.3 million is an indication of this government's commitment to provide high quality facilities for students in rural and isolated communities," Trevor Mallard said.
"These new facilities will be excellent for students. They are the result of an intensive period of close co-operation and consultation between the school, the Ministry of Education and the lead consultants.
"I especially want to acknowledge the vision and commitment that the late Bernard Klitscher, principal from 1994-2001, gave to this re-development.
"I'm told that the new technology curriculum was right at the top of the agenda when the board and community sat down in the late 1990s to map out future directions for education in the Catlins.
"This says a lot to me about the importance you've attached to preparing local students for the knowledge society of the 21st century. This goal is also one of our government's top priorities for education over the next few years.
"The new technology block is an excellent example of modern educational design that provides for a mix of learning spaces and areas that allows for class, small group, individual and on-line learning to occur.
"These facilities and their associated technologies will enable the students of this relatively isolated school to have the best of on-site and "at distance" delivery of subjects and curriculum.
"The pupils, staff, board of trustees and wider community have every reason to be proud of this school and all it now has to offer," Trevor Mallard said.