Labour Attacks Motorists - AGAIN
Labour Attacks Motorists - AGAIN
Wednesday 1 Oct 2003 Deborah Coddington Press Releases -- Transport
Associate Transport Minister Judith Tizard's announcement today, that all vehicles will be subject to compulsory emission testing, is yet another slap in the face for motorists, ACT New Zealand Transport Spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.
"The cost of emissions screening per vehicle will add a further $10 to current Warrant and Certificate of Fitness Fees. This new stealth tax will come on top of the Crown Revenue Petroleum Excise Tax increase (from 17.8c/l to 18.5c/l), the National Roads Fund petrol tax hike (from 13.525c/l to 17.725c/l), and the 27 Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Act (from 2.3c/l to 5.08c/l)," Miss Coddington said.
"And let's not forget Transport Minister Paul Swain's wacky plan to tax motorists on distance travelled - as a means of recovering lost revenue as vehicles become more fuel efficient.
"The worst aspect of this announcement is that it's based on shonky, pseudo science. How can Labour claim that around 400 deaths occur each year as a result of vehicle emissions? This highly dubious research is not objective - it doesn't take into account anyone who is in hospital from smoking, asthma and other respiratory ailments.
"Today's bombshell is just one more example of this Government punishing everyone, rather than targeting those who are responsible for producing unacceptable levels of vehicle pollution.
"Ms Tizard's announcement also shows the leverage that the Greens seem to have over this Government - and we all know what the Greens think of motorists," Miss Coddington said
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