Questions for Oral Answer - Tuesday, 18 November
Questions for Oral Answer
As At Tuesday, 18 November
Questions to Ministers
1. Dr DON BRASH to the Minister of Finance: What initiatives does he intend to take to improve relations with the business community, in light of yesterday's New Zealand Herald poll which ranked both him and Labour fifth in understanding the needs of business?
2. LYNNE PILLAY to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): What progress is the Tertiary Education Commission making in improving the quality of information on research output in the tertiary education sector?
3. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Immigration: What success has her department had in identifying and deporting overstayers in the last 12 months?
4. MAHARA OKEROA to the Minister in charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations: What progress is being made on Treaty of Waitangi settlements?
5. KATHERINE RICH to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): What specific concerns did the supervisor of the social worker involved with Saliel Aplin and Olympia Jetson raise with the Chief Executive of Child, Youth and Family Services and how were those concerns addressed?
6. MARC ALEXANDER to the Minister of Corrections: Is he satisfied with the management of prisons in New Zealand; if so, why?
7. RON MARK to the Minister of Justice: Is he confident that major changes in sentencing laws, parole laws, and victims' rights laws have improved outcomes for society?
8. Dr LYNDA SCOTT to the Minister of Health: Why has the Government decided only to extend the free breast screening programme "upwards rather than downwards", in light of new scientific evidence which shows that deaths from breast cancer fell significantly in the 40-49 year old age group in those that were screened versus those that were not screened?
9. HEATHER ROY to the Minister of Health: Is she satisfied that the general public has had every opportunity to read and make submissions on the Ministry of Health consultation document entitled Constituency Arrangements for DHB Elections under STV; if so, why?
10. SUE KEDGLEY to the Minister for Food Safety: Does she have confidence that New Zealand's interests are always able to be protected through Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council; if so, why?
11. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Transport: Does he agree with the former Transport Minister Hon Mark Gosche's reported statement that he had ordered an end to hidden speed cameras because he did not believe the [hidden speed camera] pilot in the Waikato had cut speeding or road deaths; if not, why not?
12. DAVID BENSON-POPE to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What reports has he received on the outcomes of the Pathways to Arts and Cultural Employment scheme?