Mallard Can't Explain, Can the Prime Minister?
Mallard Can't Explain, Can the Prime Minister?
It's time the Prime Minister went out to schools and explained to angry and bewildered parents exactly why the Labour Government is hell bent on closing up to 300 schools, ACT New Zealand Education Spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.
"Last night I held a public meeting in Silverstream to try and lend support to families faced with school closures and mergers.
"The overwhelming question I got from these people, and which I receive from all around the country, is `why'?
"Why Mr Mallard? Why Helen Clark? Why are you closing our schools?
"Is it because you'll save money?
"Is it because our children are not being well educated?
"Is it because school rolls are falling?
"Of course these people aren't stupid. They know that money won't be saved; that their children are getting a good education, and that in many areas, the school rolls are actually climbing.
"They have had no satisfactory explanations from Education Minister Trevor Mallard, who just keeps telling them that 'the status quo is not an option'.
"Now it's time for the Prime Minister to explain to families
why it's in their children's interest for the Government
to close their schools," Miss Coddington said.