Who advises this man?
Who advises this man?
Jim Anderton has once again chosen to play the man not the ball in his latest outburst. Embarrassingly for Mr Anderton, he got it wrong again.
"Last week, the nation was treated to the unedifying sight of Mr Anderton delivering a tirade at Wayne Coffey of the Timber Industry Federation for having the courage to blow the whistle on the problems caused by Mr Anderton's excessive policies."
"Now he's attacked National because we've issued press releases which show we've been listening to the industry. In his confused outburst, he first complains that National is issuing statements, then complains because it took us a week!"
"If Mr Anderton actually did his homework, he'd be aware that we have actually released five statements on this very topic since the 12th of November."
"'No one has ever heard of Brian Connell' is another of his wild claims, but that would come as a surprise to the key players in the Forestry sector who've been contacting him recently to express agreement with the statements that Mr Anderton claims he has never seen."
"We'd be happy to make the statements available to him and if he prefers, we'll send someone round to explain them to him."
"Perhaps then he might understand the need
to address the issues confronting our timber companies,
namely the compliance regime that is throttling the very
life from this industry."