Children in benefit-led households
Children in benefit-led households
Question: What is the total number of children living in benefit-led households as at 31 October 2003, broken down by region?
Portfolio: Social Development & Employment (Associate Minister – Service Delivery) Minister: Hon Rick Barker Date Lodged:26/11/2003
Answer Text: The attached table shows the total number of children living in benefit led households as at 30 October 2003, broken down by region.
Region All Benefits
Clients Children
Canterbury 12,100 20,587
8,565 14,728
Wellington 11,121 19,862
Nelson 4,934 8,395
East Coast
10,821 19,921
Waikato 11,385 20,963
Taranaki 8,228 14,743
8,402 16,057
Bay of Plenty 15,485
Central 8,900 16,057
Waitemata 17,723 31,785
27,427 53,293
Other 167 305
Total NZ 145,258 264,965
Date Received: