Anzac Day To Be Hijacked Too?
Anzac Day To Be Hijacked Too?
Retired Maori Land Court judge Heta Hingston's extremely political speech at the Ohinemutu Dawn Parade was entirely inappropriate and signals the hijacking of yet another national day of remembrance, ACT New Zealand MP Deborah Coddington said today.
"I listened to Judge Hingston launch a stinging attack on the Government and the media for aggravating racial disharmony," Miss Coddington said after attending the Rotorua service.
"Judge Hingston blasted Labour for legalising prostitution, legitimising homosexual relationships, and for introducing `Robert Mugabe laws to strip people of their land'.
"He referred to the seabed and foreshore legislation as similar to Zimbabwe's regime. Judge Hingston concluded by quoting Maori Land Wars commander Rewi Maniapoto who called out defiantly to Major Gilbert Mair, in Maori, `I will continue to fight you for ever and ever'.
"I spoke to returned services men and women of all political persuasions, who were offended by this speech.
"Does this mean that after losing Waitangi Day to the political activists, we will now lose Anzac Day as well?" Miss Coddington said.