Questions for Oral Answer - Thursday, 20 May 2004
As At Thursday, 20 May 2004
1. DARREN HUGHES to the Minister of Justice: What changes are being proposed to the rule of double jeopardy and why?
2. Hon RICHARD PREBBLE to the Minister of Finance: Does he recall telling the Asia Society in Hong Kong that the Government would reduce the 33 cent company tax rate when "fiscal conditions permit"; if so, how many billions does the surplus need to be before "fiscal conditions permit" the desired company tax cut?
3. JEANETTE FITZSIMONS to the Minister with responsibility for Auckland Issues: Has she received any reports on Auckland City Council proposals that would increase traffic congestion in Auckland?
4. SIMON POWER to the Associate Minister of Education (Tertiary Education): Has the Tertiary Education Commission achieved his objective of ensuring "we have a cohesive and innovative system that encourages learning and uses resources strategically" and creating "a tertiary education system with a greater sense of connection to important national goals"; if not, why not?
5. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Transport: Is he satisfied with the transport infrastructure in New Zealand?
6. Hon ROGER SOWRY to the Minister of Energy: Does he believe the Infrastructure Audit carried out by PriceWaterhouseCoopers accurately states the issues facing the electricity sector in New Zealand at present; if not, why not?
7. LIANNE DALZIEL to the Minister for Courts: What is being done to address workload pressures in the courts?
8. KATHERINE RICH to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): When did the former Department of Social Welfare and its Minister first become aware of allegations regarding the medical examinations of children, without parental consent, at Glenelg Health Camp?
9. RON MARK to the Minister of Corrections: Is he satisfied with the way State prisons are being administered?
10. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Corrections: How many men convicted of assaulting their wives or partners have been granted home detention that involves them residing at the same house as the person they abused, and is this practice consistent with Government policy on domestic violence?
11. LYNNE PILLAY to the Associate Minister of Transport: What actions has the Maritime Safety Authority taken to protect the coastline around one of New Zealand's busiest shipping routes?
12. MARC ALEXANDER to the Minister of Corrections: Is he
satisfied with the management of prisons by the Department
of Corrections; if so, why?