Peters Reminds Tamihere Of 1999 Payout Plan
15 October 2004
Peters Reminds Tamihere Of 1999 Payout Plan
Rt Hon Winston has called for John Tamihere to resign because of the circumstances of his payout from the Waipareira Trust after he entered Parliament in 1999.
Mr Peters first raised the issue of a golden handshake for Mr Tamihere, the former chief executive of the Trust in Parliament in July 1999. Today he released transcripts of a Morning Report interview and Parliamentary questions on the payout.
“In my opinion, what Mr Tamihere said back then turned out to be at odds with the facts emerging now. He indicated that he would not be getting a payout but in fact he did.
“There should be a full investigation of the circumstances of payments made to Mr Tamihere from the Trust and any other matters relating to issues such as loans and motor vehicles.
“The Prime Minister’s credibility is at stake over this issue.
“She has consistently supported John Tamihere despite his obvious disregard for the rules that others are required to live by and that Labour said they would uphold.
“Mr Tamihere surely has to go,” said Mr Peters.