Export education innovation programme announced
Export education innovation programme
Education Minister Trevor Mallard today
announced the Export Education Innovation Programme - a new
initiative aimed at further developing the New Zealand
export education industry as a world class and innovative
provider of education overseas.
"This package will give targeted contestable assistance to those educators that can demonstrate they have a viable and innovative offshore export education plan. It’s an exciting development that will enable providers to build on their experience, knowledge and reputation for the good of both New Zealand and students across the world," Trevor Mallard said.
The Export Education Innovation Programme (EEIP) was part of the $40 million international education package in Budget 2004. It recognises the need to provide limited but practical support to international educators that are looking at diversifying their services offshore.
The programme will be administered by education export industry peak body Education New Zealand, and will provide an initial pool of $500,000 that will be allocated to innovative diversification projects this financial year. The fund grows to $1 million per annum for the three subsequent years.
"This is no lolly scramble. Projects will be evaluated by a specialist industry advisory group. Funding will be fully contestable and allocated according to a detailed assessment of the applicant’s proposal. The purpose is to act as a catalyst for, and to allow essential front-end development work to be done for new initiatives. The overall fund is modest, but the leverage will be immense," Trevor Mallard said.
"We've seen exponential growth in international education inside New Zealand over the last few years. The industry is now one of our top earners, and worth around $2.2 billion a year to our economy. But there are limits to this growth potential. Future growth for the industry lies beyond our shores, and that is a whole new ballgame. The EEIP will be a small but vital part in helping New Zealand step up to the next level of international education provision," Trevor Mallard said.
Application details for the EEIP can be found at
www.educationnz.org.nz/innovation or