Labour forced to back down on propaganda campaign
Judith Collins MP - National Party Welfare Spokeswoman
08 February 2005
Labour forced to back down on propaganda campaign
National Party Welfare spokeswoman Judith Collins says the suspicions about Labour's Working For Families propaganda campaign have been proved correct now the cost has been substantially trimmed.
"$21 million was always way too much to be spending on a campaign that's targeting fewer than 300,000 New Zealand families. Four out of five households will see nothing from the Working For Families programme.
"This is classic behaviour from the 'tax and spend' Labour Party which believes it can spend workers' money better than those who earn it.
"Labour is determined to force more families into state dependence and the Working for Families package is a clear illustration of that.
"Even at $15 million, Labour is still spending a massive $57 each trying to get its message across to the families that may be eligible.
"Surely Labour should have opted for far cheaper methods to communicate its package of election-year bribes," says Ms Collins.