End Of Yellow Stickers A Victory For Human Rights
End Of Yellow Stickers A Victory For Human Rights - Young Labour
December 14th, 2000
Young Labour President Michael Wallmannsberger described today's decision by the Human Rights Commission and the subsequent dropping of the scheme by the policy as a victory for human rights in New Zealand.
The Human Rights Commission concluded that the Under-25 sticker scheme was lawful only because of the Government's current exemption from the provision of the Human Rights Act.
"Today's decision is a victory for the organisations and individuals that have spoken out against this scheme," said Mr Wallmannsberger.
"Young Labour has always opposed the Under-25 sticker scheme. We believe that the same basic human rights apply to all people. Young people are no exception.
Mr Wallmannsberger welcomed the Police's quick reaction to dump the scheme but questioned why they had not come to the decision earlier.
"It's been clear to us all along that the scheme wasn't consistent with the Human Rights Act and depended on the 2001 clause to fall within the law. Fortunately, the police have acted in the spirit of the Commission's finding and have withdrawn the scheme without further delay.
"Young Labour supports innovative ways to reduce crime but believes these must always be consistent with human rights and the law", Mr Wallmannsberger concluded.
Contact: Michael Wallmannsberger Young Labour President michaelw@clear.net.nz 021 474 410 http://www.younglabour.org.nz