Action Update From Papakura Water Pressure Group
From: "Papakura Water Pressure Group"

Action Update.
Thank you to those who came to Bellfield Rd on wedneasday to
prevent United Water from disconnecting Peter's water
services. It was a great success and water is still flowing.
Thanks also to Auckland Water Pressure Group who brought
their fire engine along.
PWPG supporters and members of the street defense group started arriving at 7am and the number grew quickly to about 20 people. Some had to leave after some time, others arrived later. At 8.45am a HEB Contractors (owned by Bruce Pullman!) truck with three 'heavies' in it, drove passed the line of supporters, obviously with the intention to disconnect Peter's water.
As Bellfield Road is a dead end road, they turned around at the end and went back home. There were too many PWPG supporters there for their liking. We didn't see them again. Later in the morning a group (with the fire engine) went to Papakura town and set up a stand on the footpath outside United Water's office. Using our 'water meter and clamp' display we showed people how to reconnect their water supply.
We found a very supportive audience, collected dozens of signatures in support of our stand against privatised water services and signed up new members to join the fight.
Later that day after people had left Bellfield Rd, the fire engine was parked on top of Peter's water meter to stand guard!
It would be really good if some of you could send a 'Letter to the Editor' for Our Town - Papakura and Papakura Courier (or NZ Herald) to get additional publicity and expose the downfalls of privatised water.
This weeks Papakura Courier had an article about the water franchise and there was also a Letter to the Editor praising United Water. We should not let these go unchallenged.
Our web site has some interesting links to get additional information about water privatisation world wide.