Greenpeace Chairman Steps Down
Fri, 2 Aug 2002
Greenpeace Chairman Steps Down
Auckland 2 August 2002: Gordon Jackman announced that he was stepping down as Chair of Greenpeace at the Board meeting held today in Auckland.
He had found himself in a position of conflicting interests as a result of being asked to assist the Green Party in its negotiations with the Labour Party following the election result last weekend.
“I want to set the record straight that I am participating in the negotiations as a private individual. This role is not tenable in the role of the Chair and Trustee of Greenpeace New Zealand,” said Mr Jackman.
“I want to protect the integrity of Greenpeace and its ability to operate independently of any political party,” he said.
The Board acknowledged the huge contribution Gordon had made to Greenpeace as a Toxics and Forestry campaigner for many years before he joined the Board.
“In his role as Chair he had done an excellent job pulling all parts of the organisation together. His departure was accepted with great regret and he was offered the very best wishes for whatever role he took up in future,” said Margaret Crozier, Executive Director of Greenpeace New Zealand.