Danes warned against New Zealand Experiment
Danes warned against New Zealand Experiment
“Danish unions will today premiere a film which warns Danish people against a repeat of the New Zealand neo-liberal policies by its recently elected Liberal Government,” Council of Trade Unions president Ross Wilson said today.
The Danish documentary film “New Zealand Eksperimentet” produced by Hans Kragh-Jacobsen, and researched by New Zealander Wayne Brittenden, premieres in Copenhagen today.
“The CTU has provided a lot of information to the Danish trade union movement over the past year or so and the film follows other reports which Danish unions have published,” Ross Wilson said.
As a keynote speaker to a conference in Elsinore Denmark last week, sponsored by the European Union and the Danish Government, Ross Wilson provided a similar analysis, including the adverse impacts on workplace health and safety.
“There is widespread concern in Denmark that their Government is going to go down the same ideological path as our Governments of the past 15 years, and they are determined to learn from our mistakes,” Ross Wilson said.
A copy of Ross Wilson’s keynote address to the Elsinore Conference, attended by 41 countries, is available on the CTU website: