Welly Suffers Appalling Influx of Demented Dogs
Correctives: Wellington Suffers Appalling Influx of
Demented Dogs!!!
"Wellington was flooded with a surfeit of mangy, savage fleabags dedicated to dirty doggy doings over the weekend! The Association of Rottweilers and Fangbearers conference was an opportunity for repeated nuisance barking, slavering, practice savagings of beneficiaries, and behaving like George duhhhh-bya Bush's feral lap-dogs!!!" Ms. Tripitaka Adelie- Penguin MP (Correctives, Ross Dependency) said today, as she commented on the recent ARF national conference.
"It is to the
credit of the Wellington City Council that they restricted
the crazed canines to council chambers, but I hope they
didn't chew the upholstery, do unpleasant things to lamp
posts, or try to eat beneficiary babies again. If I were
Kerry Windergast, I'd order the whole place fumigated and
defleaed. Their viciously stupid social policies might be
catching!" Ms. Adelie-Penguin concluded.