Hui slams Government seabed plan
Hui slams Government seabed plan
The Hongoeka foreshore and seabed hui held in Porirua on Thursday unanimously rejected the Government's proposals as confiscation and theft, a denial of access to justice and fair legal remedies; and a premeditated extinguishment of iwi, hapu, whanau and Treaty-guaranteed rights.
The hui of Maori leaders resolved to explore all possible strategies to oppose the plans, including a direct approach to the Crown in London, the Human Rights Commission, and international organisations including the United Nations and the Commonwealth.
They say the new plan is not substantially different from the first proposals, and therefore is subject to the same condemnation and rejection expressed to the Crown at hui in September.
Whanau/hapu/iwi are encouraged to demonstrate their rangatiratanga and mana over foreshore and seabed by pou whenua, wahi tapu, waiata, karakia and other means.
The hui requires the Crown to explore ways to make the partnership between rangatiratanga and kawanatanga - which it says is in disarray - workable. It will also require any legislation to be consistent with te Tiriti.
The hui expressed support for Tariana Turia and Nanaia Mahuta, and will demand that all Maori MPs take the same position of support for the will of their people.
Churches and other organisations committed to the Treaty, justice and human rights are urged to take action to strengthen the constitutional position of tangata whenua in this country.
Te Mana a Tai will also hold another national hui in Tai Tokerau early next year.