Tamihere & Te Heuheu To Attend Maori Party Hui
Major Hui Called By Urban Maori
The National Urban Maori Authority has called a hui this Saturday March 6th at Hoani Waititi Marae to discuss some of the controversial issues confronting Maoridom today.
Chairman Willie Jackson says "It's time for major hui like this, given the current circumstances Maori have found themselves in since the Don Brash Orewa speech."
Mr. Jackson says "the Brash speech sparked a huge outcry from Pakeha New Zealand over Maori receiving apparent preferential treatment, we as Maori need to discuss this misconception and come up with appropriate responses.
“The reality is that this claim from National has caused much anger in the Maori community and now with Labour reviewing their Maori policy, the Maori Labour MP's being sidelined and the ongoing foreshores saga what will the Maori response be?"
Specially invited speakers include Associate Maori Affairs Minister John Tamihere, National MP Georgina Te Heuheu, Dr. Peter Sharples and former race relations Conciliator Gregory Forteyn. Mr. Jackson says, " The hui will also discuss the formation of a new Maori Party however, this will not be the main focus of the hui."
The powhiri starts at 10am, at the Hoani