Raelians Appeal to International Criminal Court
Appeal to the International Criminal Court
Press release - France had taken a courageous position against the war in Irak, before the United States took actions against this country. President Chirac reacted with good common sense, as a world in Peace is the most preferable and constructive, and he was relayed by millions of pacifist demonstrators in the first few weeks of 2003.
This did not stop George W.
Bush, President of the USA, from sending his troops and,
since one year and a half, from ravaging the country as we
know it today. All this under the pretext of eradicating the
totalitarian regime of S.Hussein and all forms of terrorism,
without mentionning the weapons of mass destruction which
they are still searching for. The result is: 1,000 dead US
soldiers for nothing, and several thousand others wounded.
The Iraki population weeps 40 or 50,000 victims from
American bombings. Irak, a ruined and devastated country,
has become the "sanctuary " for all of Islam's grouped
forces. It is a place to perpetrate attacks, kidnappings,
fierce struggles against the occupant, who is a symbol of
the "infidel" and delinquent West, who imposes his Dem!
ocarcy with missiles, his Christian values under torture,
and for a few more barils of oil...
The one responsible
is George W Bush.
For 10 years now, Tchetchenie has been
ravaged by the Russian army, which razed the cities,
deported, tortured, raped and massacred the populations.
This is a tiny country, whose autonomy was declared in 1991
by B. Eltsine.
The result: a genocide which has resulted
in the reaction of a wave of terrorism which has touched
Russia, without precedent.
Wladimir Putine is
responsible for this.
The 65,000 Raelians in the world are
demanding the deposition, and the immediate appearance of
these two supposed Heads of State in an International
Criminal Court, for the threat posed to all of
The Raelian movement stands for absolute
non-violence according to Gandhi, which is the only
definitive solution to all conflicts. A world governme! nt
will prevent these forms of disasters in the future, which
is what Rael has been proclaiming for the past 30 years.
Rael is the messenger of the Elohim, the extra-terrestrials
wrongfully called "God" in the religious texts, which is the
result of a mistranslation, in times when Men could not
For the love of the planet, for the love of the entire human race, to save the dream of a peaceful future, You, the International Criminal Court, must take things into your hands : depose, condemn and make the two criminals mentionned above appear immediately in an international court, because the hour is grave, and if we want to survive on this planet, we only have a few years left. Such governements bring chaos, and the consequences are already intolerable, whereas human beings everywhere aspire to Peace, happiness and health.
With infinite
respect for your Institution, which should have supreme
power on the planet, we thank you for your attention, and
will follow up on your acts by urging you to take action as
much as possible if you do nothing. You can count on
Love is the only path.