Foreshore & Seabed Forum Friday 15th October 6pm
Thu, 7 Oct 2004
Foreshore & Seabed Forum Friday 15th October 6pm With Metiria Turei & Jeanette Fitzsimons. All welcome.
In the run up to the next Foreshore and Seabed hikoi, Jeanette Fitzsimons and Metiria Turei invite you to a Green Forum on the Foreshore and Seabed debate.
"Green Friday Forum" on the Foreshore & Seabed Friday 15th October, 6pm Green Office, 308 Great North Road, Grey Lynn (near corner of Bond Street)
We will have an interesting evening of friendly discussion and debate over a cup of tea/coffee. The "foreshore issue" is inextricably tied up with our history as two peoples in one land, with our sense of identity, and with how we move forward into our future.
We will have paint and materials available for those who want to help with some banner painting for the hikoi.
All welcome. Ph 09-361-5925
Hikoi Takutaimoana II, commences 10am, Saturday 16th October. Assemble at Mayoral Drive, Auckland. Route down Queen St, Customs and Quay Streets, Tamaki Drive then up Kitemoana Street to Orakei Marae (Bastion Point). There will be a shuttle service back to Mayoral Drive. BYO: food, drink, sunscreen etc.