Our Direct Actions Will Continue
Our Direct Actions Will Continue
When: All week
Who: Palestinians, ISM internationals, Israeli peace groups
What: Actions against the wall and actions against the occupation
Where: We will update you every day
In the past two weeks, the Israeli Military has shot directly at us, wounding 14 with rubber bullets. They have shot tear gas at us, arrested us, denied us entrance at their airports. All because ISM internationals bear witness to the daily brutality of the Israeli government's apartheid policies. In the past week, 44 activists, including Palestinians, ISM internationals, and Israelis have been detained trying to protect a Palestinian's home at a peace camp outside Mas'ha. Thirty-eight of the internationals have been forbidden to come back into the occupied territories (no matter what the PR spin-doctor from the Interior Ministry says).
In July alone, the first month of the "cease fire", 11 Palestinians were killed, 280 wounded, and 316 arrested. Thousands of acres of land have been confiscated and 100 demolition orders have been sent out to Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. In that one-month period, one Israeli has been killed. And, in that time, 150 kilometers of the Apartheid Wall have been built even though officials in numerous governments have said the wall is not conducive to peace.
Do these numbers
sound as though Israel is paying any attention to the cease
fire? Join us this week in telling the story to the public
around the globe.