New fuel tax adds to increased costs
The campaign to reform local government
contact David Thornton [09] 443 5302 or [027
4831 825]
more information on
17th May 2007
statement from campaign organiser David Thornton
New fuel tax adds to increased costs for all ratepayers
Low and fixed income ratepayers are now faced with increased fuel costs – even if they don’t own a car.
Following on Metrowater's 9.1% increase in water charges and recent mortgage rate increases, the additional 11.25 cents a litre fuel tax [10 cents plus GST] announced in the budget will hit ratepayers and residents of the Auckland region hard.
On top of those increases local councils and the regional council will soon finalise their rate demands adding to the costs for every household in the region.
Even those who don’t own cars will be affected as the fuel price and water charge increases paid by businesses will be passed on to their customers.
This budget does nothing for low and fixed income earners.
With its huge budget surplus the Government had plenty of room to give grants for the capital costs of transport improvements – especially rail electrification, the benfits of which will not be visible for until 2013.
At that time the operational cost of subsidies for the improved public transport system will also hit ratepayers.
A grim time ahead for ratepayers and residents – many of whom will be driven to the growing list of welfaer beneficiaries.