Maraenui gardening competition
Maraenui Urban Renewal Trust Press Release
26th September 2008
Maraenui gardening competition
Maraenui Urban Renewal Trust in conjunction with Housing New Zealand are pleased to announce a gardening competition for residents of Maraenui starting today.
The competition will be eligible to all residents and will look at vegetable and shrub gardens, entries are available from Murt office 3 Longfellow Ave and the Housing NZ information centre, 1 Longfellow Ave, Maraenui.
Murt Manager Rob Lutter said; “the contestants will take photos of the garden as it is today and at the end of January judges Janet Chambers (JJ Organics) and Tony Billing (NCC) will visit the gardens to make a decision.”
Also there will be a contest for the biggest pumpkin for adults and for the kids the highest sunflower. Seeds and entry forms for the pumpkins are available at offices of MURT and HNZ in Maraenui and seeds and entry forms for the sunflowers from MURT office, Maraenui and Marewa Schools.
“The competition is to encourage the kids to get out and work on their gardens and learn an important life skill and the biggest pumpkin for the adults is for a bit of fun” said Rob Lutter.
Prizes will be Mitre 10 and Warehouse gift vouchers and Ocean Spa/ Napier Aquatic family vouchers.