Bubble image wins photo competition
Bubble image wins photo competition

A fun image of a
Christchurch boy blowing bubbles on the Avon River has won
the Christchurch City Council's photo competition
The competition to capture on camera a quintessentially Christchurch summertime image was launched as part of the Long Term Council Community Plan 2009-19 (LTCCP) process. The Council this week adopted the Draft LTCCP, which will be released for public consultation on 10 March.
The winner of the LTCCP Photo Competition is Heather Gibson, who submitted "Bubble Magic on the Avon", an image of her grandson blowing bubbles while boating on the Avon River. The image will be printed on the cover of the Draft LTCCP - the flagship document of the Christchurch City Council. It will also run on the cover of the summary document, which will be distributed to every household in the city.
The Draft LTCCP is a proposal for the services and projects the Council will carry out over the next 10 years, how much they will cost and where the money will come from. A new plan is produced every three years
Christchurch City Council Planning and Performance Manager Peter Ryan says there were a large number of fantastic entries to the competition and it was difficult to choose a winner.
"I would like to thank everyone who took the time to enter. In the end, the judging panel liked this particular image because it showed a traditional, well-loved Christchurch activity - punting on the Avon - and gave it a fresh angle with the young boy and the bubbles."
"The Draft LTCCP is all about our city and its residents, and it is important that our people get involved in the process. Residents are being asked to have their say on the draft plan from 10 March. Every household will receive a summary of the plan, including a submission form and information on how to find out more."
More information about the Draft LTCCP 2009-19 can be found on the Council's website www.ccc.govt.nz/LTCCP.