Unique challenge issued for Mayoral Race
Media Release – Thursday 2nd September
Unique challenge issued for Mayoral Race
The Mayoral race in Wellington could be given a much-needed injection of fun and focus thanks to an 'amazing race' idea being promoted by game inventor and entrepreneur Donna Scott, a local resident of Wellington City.
"The last thing Wellingtonians who I speak to want is another bland and pedestrian Mayoral campaign season, in which people simply sleep walk their way into public office – and that got me thinking," says Donna Scott.
"As a designer of thinking games that also involve physical activity, I decided a cool way to generate more interest in our local body elections would be to develop a game idea for Mayoral and Council candidates that will make the most of Wellington’s walker-friendly streetscape. It involves deciphering cryptic clues and solving puzzles at different locations around the City.
“My game idea is based on an IQ-oriented version of the Amazing Race combined with cryptic clues a la Da Vinci Code – all specific to Wellington’s unique pockets of history and mystery and based on some of Wellington’s iconic symbols. The name of the game is the *Wellington Lion Hunt*.
“Players will need good general knowledge, word play and the ability to use their minds and their observational skills to find and solve the puzzles. All ‘local bodies’ are welcome to join in – but this is mainly a chance for Wellington’s local body candidates to really step up and ‘think’ their way around Wellington’s vibrant city centre.
“The spinoff publicity will also be a way to highlight some of Wellington’s best assets and the sort of thing we want to preserve and celebrate about our City, that is great public spaces, public art, retail havens, historical icons and of, of course, clever and creative citizens. "The first step, underway this week, is to find which of the Wellington Mayoral candidates are prepared to take up this challenge to walk their bodies and race their minds around the City. An official challenge is being put to Mayor Kerry Prendergast's office, the existing Councillors who are running for Mayor, namely Celia Wade-Brown and Bryan Pepperell and to new Mayoral contenders like businessman Jack Yan. Some local celebrities are also being approached to take part, and there will be a general invitation to Wellingtonians to join in our Lion Hunt planned for Saturday 18 September.
"The main prize will be the kudos of taking part and the opportunity to engage at a completely different level out on the streets with Wellington citizens.
"Based on other events like this that I've been involved with it should also draw out a number of supporters and followers, and will definitely put some highly visible fun and focus back on to the people who are seeking to be our civic leaders".