St John latest earthquake update
St John latest earthquake update
St John has seven people stationed at each of the welfare centres at Burnside High, Pioneer Stadium, Cowles Stadium and Rangiora
We know from the September earthquake experience that our focus there will be first aid, medication management and support, stress and anxiety issues, and mental health issues.
Our teams continue to respond to calls, support the Urban Search & Rescue teams and transporting patients from Christchurch Hospital.
St John workload is steady. The calls we responded to in the first 24 hours following the earthquake were up over 150% on a daily average for the previous year.
In the 24 hours to 8am this morning they were down to 44% on a daily average for the previous year.
We are still responding to increases in heart problems, chest pains, breathing problems and traumatic injuries (brain injuries, chest and limb injuries, and crush injuries)
We are also receiving calls for reassurance from people who are frightened.
St John are currently forecasting activity for the next eight days and the resources and logistics to support that.