Chance to make a difference for Pacific Islanders
Chance to make a difference for Pacific Islanders
Pacific Islanders have an opportunity to make a difference for their community by nominating candidates to stand for election to the Wellington City Council Pacific Island Advisory Group.
This group helps Pacific people take part in the Council's decision-making processes, advises the Council on challenges and issues Pacific peoples face and gives advice on policy, planning and activities for Pacific peoples.
The three-yearly election for the group will be held this month. Nominations open today, close at 12 noon on 21 March and will be sought from seven Pacific nation groups - Cook Islands, Fiji, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga and Tuvalu.
To be eligible to stand for election, candidates must be nominated to represent the Pacific Island of their descent, live in the Wellington City Council district and be currently enrolled on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll. Candidates cannot nominate themselves for election.
People who want to nominate candidates must be of the same Pacific Island descent as the candidate they nominate, be enrolled on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll and live in the Wellington City Council district.
The Council's electoral officer, Ross Bly, suggests people look for candidates who have governance experience, an excellent understanding of Pacific communities and networks and a commitment to the development of Pacific people.
The elections will take place on Monday 28 March at 6.30pm (6pm for refreshments) in the Oceania Room at Te Papa.
Voters must be of Pacific Island descent, be enrolled on the Parliamentary Electoral Roll and live in the Wellington City Council district. They can only vote for one nation's representatives even if they have ancestry from more than one Pacific Island nation and hold dual (or more) passports.
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