Earthquake Relief Day at The NZ College of Chinese Medicine
Earthquake Relief Day at The New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine
The New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine (NZCCM) opens its doors to the Christchurch community for an Earthquake Relief Day on the 20th of July, Wednesday, between 12:30pm and 4pm.
This is a collaborative effort of NZ Emergency Relief Therapists (NZERT) & NZCCM. Student practitioners of acupuncture as well as professional massage therapists, reflexologists, Bowen therapists and other practitioners will offer free mini-treatments to help people deal with the stress and trauma experienced by the earthquakes and aftershocks since 4 September 2010.
The keynote speaker is Steph Combe, New Zealand’s Trauma Release Exercise trainer, who will talk about and demonstrate a simple exercise that engages the body’s neurogenic responses to stress. The talk will follow Mana Fleming’s talk on “The Nature of Qi”.
Free, short session massages and acupuncture treatments will be given to those who register their names after the speakers. Treatments are being offered as a free community service day, and although this is not an Open Day for enrollments, a College administrator will be available to answer questions. The College is located at 183 Montreal St.
Earthquake Relief Day 20 July 12:30m-4pm at 183 Montreal St.
12:30 OPEN DOORS to public. Welcome/opening. Gillian Reynolds gives intro
Talk by Mana Fleming, tutor at NZCCM. “The Nature of
1:00pm Q/A
1:15 Talk by Steph Combe, (Bsc (Uk), Bsc, MBA (UK), Pilates Instructor (Oxford OCN), Executive Director Trauma Release (TRE) New Zealand, Director Core Strength Pilates
‘Tension & Trauma Release Exercises the Revolutionary Trauma Release Process; Transcend your toughest times.’
1:45-4pm TREATMENTS: 1 treatment per person. Choose from acupuncture, massage, craniosacral, reflexology, Indian Head massage, Bowen Technique. Steph Combe will take a small group through the TRE process in a private session lasting about 1 hour.
4:00pm Closing and Thanks.