Education To Employment Expo Will Help Christchurch Rebuild
Education To Employment Expo Will Help Christchurch Rebuild Says CESB
The Canterbury Employment and Skills Board (CESB) is confident that the recent Christchurch Careers expo held in the city will help employers connect with the staff they need to help Christchurch rebuild.
Over 5,500 job seekers and school-leavers, and 60 exhibitors and employers took part in the careers expo, hosted by Careers New Zealand and supported by CESB.
The CESB estimates a substantial number of construction related jobs will be created in the Canterbury region as the rebuild commences.
“There is huge opportunity for workers, both skilled and non-skilled in the Canterbury region, particularly in the construction sector. The key is creating an environment where both the supply and demand sides of the labour market can meet,” says Carl Davidson, CESB chair.
CESB was established with the objective of gaining a thorough understanding of the labour market demands and priorities following the Canterbury earthquakes. It was also set up to influence the immediate recovery, rebuild and long-term recovery plan for the Canterbury economy by ensuring that the right skills are available in the right number, at the right time.
“CESB was created earlier this year to bring together all the pieces of the labour market in the region and the recent careers expo is one of those opportunities. This year in particular, alongside the usual young school leavers, a wider range of job seekers attended, taking the opportunity to talk to businesses and industries looking to attract workers.”
Canterbury’s recovery, rebuilding and future prosperity is strongly linked to the labour market and the ability to determine and meet occupational need.
“The labour market in Canterbury is flexible, responsive and resilient – many sectors continue unaffected. CESB is also working closely with CERA and the Canterbury Development Corporation to provide confidence and certainty on the current and forecast labour market to local businesses and employers. What we can confirm is that there is huge opportunity in the region as we move from recovery to rebuilding and prosperity,” says Carl Davidson. The Board comprises members from the Building & Construction, IT, and Health sectors, as well as Business New Zealand, government agencies, tertiary education providers, industry training organisations, and unions.