Love Auckland Town Hall
Media release
20 October 2011
Love Auckland Town Hall!
Aucklanders are encouraged to join in this year’s Auckland Town Hall centenary celebrations by sharing their special memories of Auckland’s iconic building.
In December, the Auckland Town Hall turns 100 years old and, as part of the celebrations, Auckland Council and THE EDGE are collecting people’s memories of the Queen Street landmark.
“The centenary is an opportunity for people to share their experiences of the Auckland Town Hall and help document the social history of this grand building,” says Auckland Council’s Principal Heritage Advisor, George Farrant.
“The building has been at the centre of the city’s political and cultural life since its opening in 1911, and has played a special part of in the lives of many Aucklanders,” says Mr Farrant.
“Whether you attended the official New Zealand welcome of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh, in 1953, the Beatles civic reception and concert in 1964, Split Enz in 1979 or a graduation or citizenship ceremony, we want to hear about what the hall means to you,” he says.
Mayor Len Brown says he has an incredibly vivid memory of the Split Enz concert, even though he wasn’t at it.
“It would have been during my university days, and I was walking past the Town Hall with a bunch of my mates. I remember standing outside, listening to Split Enz rock the place down.
“It was right in their heyday. They were pumping out I See Red, rocking the Town Hall right off its foundations. The crowd was right behind them, just as loud. The whole building was alive with sound, music and light. I’ve never forgotten it.”
Memories and images can be submitted online at . All entries go in to the draw to win one of three double passes (subject to availability) to an event at the Auckland Town Hall in 2012.
Selected memories will be used to celebrate the centenary in December, included being featured at a free concert on December 14. More details about the concert, and other events, including tours of the Auckland Town Hall are available at