New visions launched for Auckland communities
14 November 2011
New visions launched for Auckland communities
Revitalised town centres, stronger communities and strengthening local economies are at the heart of Auckland’s 21 Local Board Plans, which are released online today.
The plans are the product of widespread engagement and formal consultation between Local Boards and their communities to set priorities for the region’s diverse localities. Their publication, only a year after the Local Boards were formed, is a significant step in the drive to ensure local decisions are made locally, with the boards responsible for significant budgets – totalling nearly half a billion dollars.
“Making Auckland the world’s most liveable city needs action from the region’s local communities, as well as big-picture planning,” said Karen Lyons, Manager of Local Board Services. “While the Auckland Plan sets the overall regional direction, the Local Board Plans set the direction for individual communities and identify initiatives to improve where we live, work and spend our leisure time.”
Other themes covered in the plans include tackling social issues, caring for the natural environment, better walking routes and public transport, and providing new and improved community facilities.
The 21 boards, from Rodney in the north to Franklin in the south, will work with their communities to drive these initiatives forward. The boards aim to deliver using their own budgets, as well as shaping council investment and advocating for change.
“These plans demonstrate what local vision and leadership can achieve and are a credit to the willingness of Aucklanders to get involved,” said Ms Lyons. “They are the product of more than 7000 public submissions and 23 public hearings. Auckland, as a whole, can be proud of the fresh, forward-looking direction these plans provide.”
The Local Board Plans also feed into other key Auckland Council plans, such as the Auckland Plan and the 2012-22 Long-Term Plan.
They will be published and made available at public libraries, council service centres and local board offices across the region from 28 November. Those eager to see what’s inside can access the documents online from today, by visiting