Pokies still operate despite cancelled licenses
Pokies still operate despite cancelled
The Nelson
Gambling Policy Taskforce (NGPT) is appalled Blenheim-based
Bluegrass Trust is allowed to continue operating its pokie
machines while its licence cancellation is
Despite the Department of Internal Affairs cancelling the licence of the multi-million dollar gaming machine trust for allegedly supplying false information about trotting club loans to set itself up, all the trust’s venues and machines are still trading unabated.
NGPT spokesperson, Darci Goldsworthy, says this is unacceptable.
“This trust has had its licence cancelled for allegedly giving false information to the DIA and a key person has been deemed unfit to operate a gaming trust, yet all its venues and machines are still operating. It shouldn’t be allowed.”
“This is just like the situation that is frustrating us in Nelson. We went to the High Court in August last year to get the pokie machines removed from the heart of Victory Community and we won. Yet in spite of the DIA cancelling the Brewer’s Bar’s pokies license in October the jolly things are still there and still operating just because the Trillian Gambling Trust lodged an appeal to the Gambling Commission. This is not justice.”
“Both of these cases are black and white – they have had their licenses cancelled yet the machines are still operating and they’re still taking money out of our communities every day.”
“This is exactly why we need the current law around pokie machines reformed. It’s too focused on letting the gambling industry do what they like despite their history of corruption and the fact that nowhere in the world has any community ever asked for pokie machines in their neighbourhood, And once they’re in, it seems like even the High Court and the DIA combined can’t get them out. How can this possibly be right?” Mr Goldsworthy asks.