NZ IceFest heats up over climate change
Tuesday 18 September 2012
NZ IceFest heats up over climate change
NZ IceFest will heat up this weekend with a focus on climate change which includes the first of three Big Issues events on Saturday night [22 September].
NZ IceFest Director Jo Blair said that people could expect to hear from and talk to world-class experts in the field of climate change.
“It will be extraordinary to have the best of the best in the climate change field all together at NZ IceFest.
“This weekend’s line up of events is perfect for those who want to understand climate change better, and how it impacts New Zealanders' daily lives. It will also help people understand how Antarctica fits into influencing our planet’s climate.”
Featured guests at Saturday night’s Big Issues: What does climate change mean for us? will provide expertise from science and policy fields, Christchurch's rebuild sector, and the dairy industry. A panel will be facilitated by Kathryn Ryan from Radio New Zealand, including CERA CEO Roger Sutton, climate negotiator Dr Adrian Macey, Director of the Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University and member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Professor Tim Naish, Social Scientist Dr Bronwyn Hayward, and General Manager of Policy and Advocacy - Dairy NZ, Simon Tucker .
On Sunday morning [23 September] UC Science Cafe will continue the focus on climate change with Climate change: up close and uncomfortable at the Press Igloo Bar and Cafe. The event will provide the chance to talk about climate change in a relaxed and social environment says Ms Blair.
“In the spirit of Cafe Scientifique, which is a global science movement, you can bring your trickiest or seemingly basic question or opinion about climate change, have a cup of coffee and get to the nitty gritty of the issues. If climate change is important to you but lecture theatres aren’t your style, this will be the place to be. No question will be too simple."
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