Miss Universe New Zealand loses her caravan
Miss Universe New Zealand loses her

Auckland, February 15 (JY&A Media) The Miss Universe New Zealand company have had their retro-fitted caravan, 'Missy', stolen from the company base in Penrose.
The caravan, which had just had a complete retro fit-out and was due to be used in March and April on a nationwide road trip to publicize this year's competition, was stolen from outside 53 O’Rorke Road in Penrose some time between midnight and 8 a.m. Sunday morning.
The Chevron caravan has a very distinctive green, purple and white colour scheme, the purple being the Miss Universe colours.
Executive Director Nigel Godfrey
is rather upset as the caravan took months to refurbish and
cost a great deal of money. Unfortunately, it was not
He was also rather surprised as the tyres had
been deflated, a wheel-lock put on and the registration
plates removed to deter would-be thieves.
Miss Universe New Zealand is offering a $2,500, no-questions-asked reward, for any information that directly leads to the recovery of the caravan, and ask people to 'be extra vigilant and to look over the odd fence, as it has to be somewhere'.
'We hadn't got around to taking photos but we have this one from a while back—and let's be honest there aren't too many retro caravans with this colour scheme,’ says Mr Godfrey.
Asked what he thought of those who stole the caravan, he says, ‘Well I'm finding it a little difficult to Keep Calm and Wear my Tiara today!’