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Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards

Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards

Dunedin (Tuesday, March 17 2015) - Keep Dunedin Beautiful held its annual beautification awards ceremony at the Dunedin City Library today.

Keep Dunedin Beautiful Co-ordinator Darlene Thomson says the awards are an opportunity to recognise groups and individuals who have contributed to keeping the city beautiful in a variety of ways and in various locations.

“Each year those who attend comment on the fact that they never knew so many people worked behind the scenes doing their bit to keep our city beautiful.”

Last year Dunedin was awarded ‘the most beautiful city’ by Keep NZ Beautiful due in large part to the enormous efforts of these individuals and groups. One of the judges, long time KDB committee member Val Brown, said, “It is always very inspiring to see so many young people involved so passionately.”

The awards were presented by Dunedin City Councillor David Benson Pope and Keep Dunedin Beautiful Chair Jan Tucker.

The top four winners receive a monetary prize of between $50 and $100. The two top awards are the Taylor Community Pride Award, given to a group, and the Pod award, for individuals or groups.

The award winners are:

MeritUnicolclean up of Logan Park
MeritArthur Street Schoolclean up of Arthur Street Reserve
MeritTainui Schoolclean up around school areas
MeritLynne Hillclean up of Burns Road
MeritWakari Browniesclean up of Mayfield Avenue park
MeritRoslyn Keasclean up around Nairn Street
MeritBrockville Keas and Scoutsclean up around Brockville area
MeritPort Chalmers Kindergartenclean up around Albertson Avenue
MeritLiberton Christian Schoolclean up around Pine Hill area
MeritTerra Nova Cubsclean up around St Leonard's area
MeritPort Chalmers Browniesclean up of Mussel Bay
MeritWakari Pippinsclean up of Halfway Bush
MeritMarg Newallclean up of Scroggs Hill Road
MeritElmgrove Schoolclean up around school area
MeritMt Cargill Rangersclean up around Lovelock Avenue
MeritJenny and Jessie Neilsonclean up of Olveston and the town belt
MeritPine Hill Schoolclean up around school area
MeritOtago University Childcare Associationclean up around Woodhaugh Gardens
MeritWorld Mission Society Church of Godclean up of student area
MeritSt Joseph's Cathedral Passionist Family Groupclean up of Waldronville estuary
MeritUlla Gwynne Jonesclean up of Musselburgh area
MeritWakari Guidesclean up of Wakari area
MeritPacific Trustclean up of beach area
MeritKings High Schooltwo large scale clean ups throughout the year
CommendedMelissa Bulgerpicking up rubbish while training for half marathon
CommendedJustin Cashellgoing above what is necessary in job to ensure Dunedin is beautiful
CommendedDeclan Smithgoing above what is necessary in job to ensure Dunedin is beautiful
CommendedPortobello schoolclean up and continued pikau planting
CommendedSOULSclean up in various Mosgiel locations
CommendedMotor Caravanners Association of Otagotwo large scale clean ups throughout the year
CommendedKingslea Puketaiclean up of the Dinosaur park and adopting a spot
CommendedLis Angeloadopting Arthur Street reserve and educating transient residents about recycling
CommendedStepping Stonesadopting an area and doing clean up of Macandrew Road
Adopt-a-spotBarbara Smithcontinued adopting of Highcliff and surrounding area
Adopt-a-spotMeg Davidsoncontinued adopting of student area
Adopt-a-spotJudy Turncliffcontinued adopting of Concord area
Adopt-a-spotRebecca Croxencontinued adopting of Wallace Street and Robert's Park
Adopt-a-spotCommunity Care Trustadopting Jacob's ladder
Adopt-a-spotMel Scuttsadopting Fern Tree Reserve
Adopt-a-spotMaori Hill Schooladopting Ross Creek area
Adopt-a-spotNancy Bamfordadopting St Leonard's area
Adopt-a-spotEarly Learning at Flippersadopting Wallace Street
Adopt-a-spotOtago Rover Crewadopting walkway by motorway
Adopt-a-spotAlison Gloveradopting car park by Forrester Park
Adopt-a-spotJames Hannanadopting near his home
Adopt-a-spotSteven Hastieadopting Neill Street
Adopt-a-spotPACTadopting Navy Park
Adopt-a-spotCaroline Campbelladopting area near South Road
Highly CommendedBathgate Park School Community gardenimplementing the community gardens
Highly CommendedFiona Clementspromoting reusable fashion
Highly CommendedSherwood Centre Charitable Trustproactively seeking opportunities to enhance the beauty of the Green Island area
Highly CommendedBayfield High Schoolwhole school approach to minimising waste
KNZB awards
AppreciationRobert Georgelong term care of Macandrew Bay and surrounds
AppreciationDunedin City Council Events and Community Developmentcontinued support of KDB activities
AppreciationRotary Club of Dunedincontinued support with Trees for Babies-Celebrating Families
AppreciationResene continued support with graffiti eradication
Special ActivityDunedin Geocaching Communityalways leaving an area better than they found it
Special ActivityBrockville Ecological Sustainability Teama multitude of beautification/sustainable activities
RecognitionSTOPbeautification projects enhancing the Peninsula (Broad Bay slip)
RecognitionTask Force Green and Activity in the Community volunteersbeing the amazing work force behind all of our projects
RecognitionPortobello Inccontinually improving the Portobello area
Outstanding ServiceOur Seas Our Futureinspiring others to care for the environment through great role modelling
Third placeDive Otagoproject aware dive against debris
Second placeSawyer's Bay schoolbuilding a plastic bottle hothouse and multiple clean ups
Taylor Community awardCaversham Community Groupnumerous beautification events
PODBlueskin Youth and Amenity Societyconstructing the Waitati Community Walkway

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