Discharge in Wainui Stream
Discharge in Wainui Stream
Council is warning people
not to swim or gather food from the Wainui Stream as
discharged wastewater may have contaminated the
Signs are in place at all access points to the stream and Wainui Beach between Tuahine and Wainui School.
“The discharge has ceased and the stream was flushed yesterday,” says regulatory services manager Sarwan Kumar, “there’s also been 2 tidal movements since.”
“As a precaution people should stay out of the water in the stream for the next 5 days and avoid swimming from the southern end of Wainui Beach up to the school,“Water sampling at Wainui Beach has been done this morning and results will be available tomorrow afternoon.
“We will know more about bacteria levels in the water then and will make these available to the public as soon as we have them.”
A mechanical inspection of the Steele Road sewer pump station by Council contractors lead to a discharge of wastewater to the Wainui Stream.
Council were alerted by a member of the public yesterday of odour coming from the stream.
“Our engineering staff are investigating how sewerage was able to reach the Wainui stream as all overflows are believed to be valved and require manual opening,” says water utilities manager Neville West.
“We are yet unsure as to the amount that has been discharged but can confirm some was discharged.”
“The Medical Officer of Health was contacted straight away and worked with us to notify the community,” says Mr Kumar.
“We’ve erected the signage placed notices online and emailed our list of stakeholders, “We are notifying and responding to queries via Facebook as well and will continue to provide updates as they occur.”
Council regulatory staff will be investigating how the fault has occurred along with the Wastewater team.
Permanent signage at Wainui Stream warns against bathing in the stream year round.