Wainui Beach OK to swim
Wainui Beach OK to swim
Results from water testing on the southern end of Wainui beach confirmed that the water is at safe levels for swimming and surfing.
An unintentional discharge of wastewater into the Wainui stream on Sunday lead to warning signage being placed at the stream and beach access points for users to avoid swimming and gathering food.
“As a precaution we advised against contact with water in the area for 5 days,” says regulatory services manager Sarwan Kumar, “samples were taken at several points along the beach and results back on Tuesday indicated safe levels and more testing has continued over the week.”
“The stream itself is at unacceptable faecal pathogen levels, more than it usually is from land run-off and people should avoid entering the water.”
The stream was inspected earlier in the week and no solid materials were found in the water. The mouth was cleared of debris which caused the odour to intensify for residents in the area.
Investigations confirmed the discharge was human error after an inspection of the Steele Road pump station last Friday.
“But Council’s backup alarms also failed,” says chief executive Judy Campbell
“The significant contamination has threatened ecological values of the stream and we are aware that this is a serious incident that warrants a serious response.”
An abatement notice is being issued from the Environmental Services arm of council to the Engineering and Works team.
Gisborne District Council is a unitary authority with both regional regulatory responsibilities and district council infrastructure functions.
“As the Chief Executive of the regulatory arm, with the support of the Mayor and Chair of the Environment, Policy and Regulation committee, we have decided to impose a financial penalty of $50,000 on the Engineering and Works team and require a remedial action plan,” says Ms Campbell,
“Council cannot be more lenient on itself than it would be to an external entity who caused such contamination, nor that we do not regulate ourselves.
“The contractor concerned has confirmed that they will accept the 50% share of the fine for their part.”
The funds will be applied towards environmental projects in the Wainui area.
“We will be organising meetings with the community and groups to determine projects towards the end of April.”
Anyone who wants to be involved can register their contact details by emailingservice@gdc.govt.nz or contacting customer services 06 867 2049.