Pink Lightpath wins at Bike to Future awards
8 July 2016
Pink Lightpath wins at Bike to Future awards

Te Ara I Whiti, Lightpath won the Supreme and Innovation Hub Award last night at NZ Transport’s Bike to the Future Awards. Lightpath connects Canada St with Union St via a new bridge and the disused Nelson St off-ramp and is part of the Nelson St Cycleway. The cycleway continues as a two-way protected cycle path from the corner of Nelson and Union St to Victoria St.
Jointly delivered by Auckland Transport, Auckland Council and NZ Transport Agency, Lightpath has proved hugely popular with over 750 cycle trips across it per day since it opened in December 2015. It has helped to increase the number of people cycling on Nelson St, which has seen a 400% increase since the opening, and to the whole city centre.
Known colloquially as the pink Lightpath, the cycleway is attracting all types of users including city commuters, recreational riders and families with small children on bikes. In late March 100,000 trips had been made across Lightpath with the next milestone expected in late 2018 when the one millionth trip is expected.
Lightpath has raised the profile of cycling in Auckland and got people cycling for work or study for the first time says Auckland Transport’s Cycling and Walking Manager Kathryn King.
“People tell me that they have tried cycling their commute because Lightpath has made it possible for them to get to work comfortably by bike. Cycling can be so liberating because it means you have certainty of travel time with the added benefit of getting a bit of exercise.”
Phase two of Nelson St Cycleway will ultimately join the cycleway with Quay St Cycleway and is planned to be constructed by mid-next year. This will complete an inner city loop comprising Beach Rd Cycleway, Grafton Gully Cycleway and Quay St Cycleway.
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