Meridian explores potential wind farm in Wairarapa
Press Release
October 8th 2009
Meridian is exploring a potential wind farm in the Wairarapa
Meridian is exploring the possibility of a wind farm near Martinborough in the southern Wairarapa, about 8 kilometres south east of the Martinborough Town Square. The major portion of this possible wind farm site is located on the ridge to the north of Nga Waka O Kupe feature; no wind turbines would be located on this feature.
Meridian has not yet committed to seeking resource consent for this wind farm and it is not inevitable that it will do so.
While Meridian, after four years of monitoring, is certain that the wind resource on this site is excellent the wind farm concept is still being explored on several other levels. Research is being conducted into the following: possible transmission routes to connect it into the national grid, economic viability, engineering feasibility, potential ecological and archaeological impacts as well as the potential impact on the local community.
Meridian will start consulting with the community in the coming weeks to better understand its support for renewable generation and how it would like to be consulted with by conducting research in the area. The results of this research will be published and available for discussion. No decisions will be made until this has happened.