PSIS Comes Out On Top Amongst Customers
Media Release
6 July 2011
PSIS Comes Out On Top Amongst Customers
PSIS takes top honours for overall customer satisfaction, in a survey of New Zealand's leading financial institutions.
The results were released to coincide with the launch this week in New Zealand of Canstar Blue - an organisation devoted to providing Kiwis with customer satisfaction ratings on a wide range of products and services.
CANSTAR CANNEX - New Zealand National Manager, Derek Bonnar, said 2,500 kiwis were asked to rate their satisfaction with their current financial institution. Banks included in the ratings were: PSIS, TSB, Kiwibank, ASB, BNZ, National Bank, Westpac and ANZ.
"PSIS came out tops amongst those surveyed achieving the maximum five star rating for: overall customer satisfaction, branch service, call centre service, internet banking service, products and pricing, problem solving, ATMs and friendliness. TSB tied with PSIS for: call centre service, problem solving, ATMs, and friendliness," said Derek.
Kiwis also aren't afraid to mince words when it comes to getting a good deal from banks. The survey showed 20% of New Zealanders are happy to threaten leaving their current bank if it means they will end up with a better deal.
Amongst those surveyed the most common gripes about banks include:
* staff trying to upsell
* limited opening hours
* mistakes with accounts
* lack of support for long term customers
* foreign owned
* fees and charges
* customer service, on phones and waiting time at the branches
* being treated like a number not a person
* ATMs - functions and locations.
Canstar Blue's customer satisfaction survey of banks was conducted in New Zealand by independent professional market research company Colmar Brunton, Australia.
Canstar Blue is the brainchild of financial research and ratings company, CANSTAR CANNEX which has been operating in New Zealand for nearly a decade.
It will
provide New Zealanders with the latest customer satisfaction
ratings on products and services free of charge via the
"Consumers will undoubtedly feel more confident about a purchase if hundreds of other Kiwis rate it highly," said Derek.
To view the full results of the Canstar Blue survey
go to: