Flying Nun And Barkers Release Four New T-Shirt Designs
Flying Nun And Barkers Release Four New T-Shirt

After the success of the Flying Nun T-shirt run in 2010, Barkers and Flying Nun Records have worked together again to release 4 new T-shirt designs.
The second set features EP artwork from The Clean's 'Boodle Boodle Boodle', Look Blue Go Purple's 'Bewitched' and Straitjacket Fits' 'Life in One Chord', along with the new Flying Nun Records logo commissioned when the label returned to Roger Shepherd's control in 2010.
This new set of limited edition tees pay tribute to the creative force of the label throughout the past 30 years, this run of tee designs again emphasises the importance of the 12" EP that became defining, signature releases for the bands.
T-shirts and CD bundle packages are available exclusively from
Also available in
the Barkers x Flying Nun range - The Clean 'Great Sounds
Great', Gordons 'Future Shock', The Bats 'Four Songs', 3Ds -
'Swarthy Songs For Swabs' and the Flying Nun Records fuzzy
logo tee.
Limited Edition Flying Nun
Tee’s On Sale NOW from:
Flying Nun
In Barkers stores and Online