New Maritime Group Formed
24 September 2012
New Maritime Group Formed
A new maritime sector grouping, the NZ Maritime Forum, has been formally launched in Wellington. The Forum has arisen from the Sector Reference Group which was established by Maritime NZ (MNZ) to assist in the Value for Money and funding reviews conducted by MNZ over the past few years. Both sides saw value in the SRG and it was decided to not only continue with the group but to broaden its mandate.
While the primary function of the Forum will be to continue to build a constructive relationship between the wider maritime sector and MNZ, the Forum may also engage itself in policy areas that might fall outside the remit of Maritime NZ.
One of the priorities of the Forum will be to raise the level of awareness of the important place that the maritime sector plays in both the NZ economy and across the community in general.
The current membership of the Forum is:
Julian Bevis (International Container Lines Committee), Peter Busfield (NZ Marine Industry Association), Tom Clark (Seafood Industry Council), Jim Doyle, (NZ Shipping Federation), Sheryl Ellison (NZ Shipping Federation), Michael Fitchett (Fullers), Evan Freshwater (Tourism Industry Association NZ), Keith Ingram (Ed. Professional Skipper), John Ireland (Port Taranaki), Sean Kelly (Western Workboats), Morris van Voornveld (Shipping NZ), Jeremy Ward (Marine Transport Association), Tim Wilson (NZ Maritime School, Manukau Institute of Technology).
Jim Doyle, Executive Director of the NZ Shipping Federation, was elected Chair of the Forum and Julian Bevis, (International Container Lines Committee) was elected Deputy Chair.